All in Star Component Award

The VPI Classic Turntable

Mike Levy -- As birthday presents go, the VPI Classic Turntable is my favorite of all time. My wonderful wife, Maryann, not only gave me a surprise 60th birthday party, she also gave me the one turntable I was most interested in. VPI has been known as a manufacturer of fine turntables since before the height of the turntable in the early 80s and has continued to refine its product as it served a rabid group of vinyl lovers.

Allnic Audio L-8500 OTL/OCL Preamplifier

The HiFi reviewing challenges continue to arrive from the pearly shores of South Korea. The Allnic Audio L-8500 OTL/OCL Preamplifier ($13,500) is the third Allnic preamp we’ve had in for review. All three are beautifully designed and manufactured. The varied designs/topology made serious impressions on the rest of my components. All in different but musically fabulous ways.

Other than these gems eventually leaving my system, the primary challenge comes from trying to describe the subtle but very important differences and directing the audiophile to the best purchase choice for their components and listening habits. In this review, there will not be an indeterminate ending. One, after many happy hours of listing and comparison (two in house and one from very pleasant aural memories), did work best for my situation and needs. Ever so slightly. Continue on and read about the L-8500, a very special component, and which of the three preamps may work best for you.

Tri-Art Audio B-Series 60W Stereo Integrated Amplifier

This is my second review of audio equipment from our Canadian producers, Tri-Art Audio (TAA). Please see my earlier review of the Tri-Art Audio open baffle speakers, the B series 4 Open, should you wish to learn more about this Canadian gem of a company.

Note: this review includes the added functionality of the Tri-Art B-Series DC Linear (Tube Buffered) 12 Volt Power Supply, which ships with the integrated amplifier. Price for the integrated amplifier and its outboard power supply is $3799.